Technology Triumphs

Making creative qualifications accessible to all

Technology Triumphs is an award winning company that provides distance learning courses for young people- working towards formal qualifications in creative and practical subjects.

Enrolment open all year around with payment plans beginning on the 1st of each month.

Technology Triumphs has been established since 2019 and is committed to helping young people to achieve creative qualifications as GCSE alternatives.
Founded and headed by a home educating parent, the company very much supports the right to Home Educate and is working to make "Creative qualifications accessible to all". Provisions have purposefully been designed to appeal to young people though there are no maximum ages imposed on any of our courses.

Whilst originally set up to serve the Home Educating community, it is not a requirement for booking. We really do believe creative qualifications should be accessible to all - whether you are attending school but didn't get your preferred GCSE options, were limited on the number of creative courses you could take, a mature learner who wants to add more qualifications to their C.V, or simply a creative that wants to develop their skills and knowledge in a subject that you are passionate about- all are welcome here.

Approved independently under the awarding body NCFE, the course structure enables learners to achieve formal qualifications in creative subjects, remotely without the need to attend an exam centre.
Learners are able to access affordable, high quality tuition and support from qualified teachers and work through the course content entirely at their own pace, removing many of the barriers that some families may face when facilitating qualifications for their young person.

Technology Triumphs (TT) is an online education provider catering specifically for young people. Flexibility is a key aspect to their approach and their programme design enables learners to progress through the content at their own pace without the added pressure of keeping pace with their peers. Their vocational courses have been designed to be a fully inclusive provision, facilitating learners of all abilities and ages regardless of their school history. The remote nature of the provision ensures that location is also not a prohibiting factor in accessing the courses.

The courses are ideal for young learners with SEND, those with high levels of anxiety which prevent them from accessing schools, home educated students, excluded young people and those who struggle with traditional academic subjects and who wish to pursue a more vocational career.
The courses are delivered via a learning portal where learners have access to their course in the form of engaging and fillable workbooks, with links to pre-filmed tutorials embedded within them. Learners are allocated an assessor who provides written feedback and guidance on the completion of each workbook, as well as access to a qualified teacher via a messaging service for additional support if it is required.
Technology Triumphs (TT) provides Ofqual-approved Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications to learners who struggle to engage with more conventional education channels.  TT offers online courses that have been independently approved under the awarding body NCFE and allows learners to learn at home without feeling pressurised and at their own pace.
The qualifications on offer are focussed on more vocational subjects including Art & Design, Creative Crafts (D&T), Cookery, Cake Decorating, Textiles and Photography. These have been designed to run in a similar format that an Art or Design & Technology GSCE would be in a standard school setting, with the emphasis on building upon basic skills and knowledge, developing a design portfolio through to a final outcome on a sustained project.

An Entry Level Award qualification is also available for learners to whom a Level 1 or 2 qualification might be unobtainable. This qualification has a stronger focus on physical outcomes and is suitable for learners who might not engage with any written work. This course has been designed in line with a school curriculum KS3 DT carousel with the learners working their way through cookery, textiles and mixed media projects.
The courses focus on building skills and enhancing knowledge. They are all portfolio assessed and do not have an end point exam. These specifications work well for learners who are more vocational, might be unable to sit a controlled assessment under exam conditions, are home educated, or have other learning needs.

The course specification places no emphasis on spelling and grammar, meaning that more learners are able to access and succeed in completing their qualification.
Learners with Level 2 Certificates are often accepted onto college courses in lieu of GSCE exam qualifications.
Technology Triumphs was established in 2019 and is the brainchild of Pip Rothwell, a qualified Design and Technology teacher. Pip left teaching, when she became disillusioned by the provisions on offer in the conventional school environment and how it excluded certain students, who did not fit the traditional mould. She feels strongly that young people should be encouraged and nurtured to fulfil their own potential so she decided to create a number of vocational courses to offer those learners who may feel excluded from the education exam-based model on offer. TT offer courses that have been independently approved under the awarding body NCFE to provide remote learning in the more creative and practical subjects such as Cookery and Creative Crafts for example.

Since 2020, nearly 200 certificates for completed qualifications have been issued.
There are currently around 1000 learners studying for their qualifications with around 500 having registered in the last 12 months. The majority of learners who are not currently active on their course have opted to ‘pause’ their participation whilst they focus on other matters such as health issues. This is an aspect of the TT business model that many families have been able to utilise and learners frequently ‘rejoin’ their courses as circumstances allow.
The flexibility of the courses means that there are no end date exams to revise for and the learners are encouraged to work through the courses at their own pace, in an environment comfortable to them, with gentle support from the online mentor. This means that the traditional academic year does not apply to the learners as there are no deadlines as such and so learners receive their qualifications at different points during the academic year.
Typically it takes the average learner just over two years to complete the courses. Some learners choose to take advantage of the flexibility and design of the provision and are able to complete in less than 2 years (some within one year), simply by dedicating more hours per week to their course.
The remote provision of the courses mean that the learners are not restricted by location and there are currently a number of learners accessing course materials from overseas.

Feedback has been received from parents and carers that learners have been able to use their Level 2 Certificates in lieu of a GCSE certificate in order to gain access to Level 3 courses at colleges across the nation (particularly when applying for creative courses). We recently had one learner receive confirmation to a place on a college Level 3 course due to the quality of their provision from our Level 1 qualification. Feedback also highlights that the knowledge and skills they developed whilst progressing through the course has set them above some of their peers when they attend further education provisions.
Within the online learning portal programme, there is a function for the learners and the online tutors to monitor a progress chart which shows the percentage progression through the course at any given time.
Learners have the opportunity to redo modules and fine tune their portfolio to continuously improve and build on their skills and knowledge without the pressure of timed exams and deadlines. They then move onto their next workbook upon successful completion of their previous module.
Once all workbooks are complete, a final moderation exercise will be conducted to ensure that evidence is obtained to show that all assessment objectives have been met. TT will the claim the certificates on behalf of the learner directly from the awarding body NCFE as the company holds approval with them as an independent exam centre. The learner will then have the option of moving onto the next level within the same subject area or onto a different vocational course which complements the learning of the original course.

The courses are focussed on developing learners’ skills and knowledge and do not impose a minimum or maximum age on the learner. Parents are reporting that colleges are accepting the TT Level 2 certificates in lieu of GCSEs when learners are applying for post 16 college placements and learners have fed back that the skills they have developed whilst studying with TT are helping them with their progression at college.
The remote nature of the online provision means that the current learners are not restricted by location.
As a qualified Design and Technology teacher, Pip Rothwell was able to witness first-hand the difficulties facing children and young people who wished to progress in the more creative and vocational subjects within traditional school settings. Lack of national funding for these subjects and opportunities for these students combined with particular groups of learners becoming disengaged or excluded from school entirely, led Pip to leave teaching in order to set up Technology Triumphs. Here she developed and created a number of vocational courses to offer those learners who may feel excluded from the education exam-based model on offer. Initially offering these provisions to EHE children whose parents were able to finance the tuition, the intent was always  to move onto offering this provision out so that she could, as per the company ethos;
“ Make creative qualifications accessible to all”.
TT offer courses that have been independently approved under the awarding body NCFE to provide remote learning in the more creative and practical subjects such as Cookery and Creative Crafts for example. The high standards of provisions and accuracy of assessment have earned the company Direct Claim status within their Cookery, Textiles and Mixed Media courses, meaning that once a learner has completed their course the company are able to claim the certificate regardless of the time of year. This feature is particularly motivational for learners who might be working towards other qualifications within the same year.

Due to the remote provision, the experiences of the learners have been numerous and varied depending on where in the country they live. Learners are reporting that they have been able to gain access to Level 2 and Level 3 courses in college settings with their Level 2 certificate acting in lieu of a GCSE. Parents and carers are feeding back that the knowledge and skills gained during the TT courses have given the learners the confidence and expertise to excel in the interview process of college applications. Once at college, the skills developed have given them the ability to work alongside their peers who may have joined college from a school setting.
There are currently approximately over 1000 registered learners on the learning portal. They are all at different stages of progression throughout their courses due to the flexible approach that is offered. It is noted that not all learners are active at any one time.Generally speaking, 500 learners are active at any time. Experience has shown that many learners often 'pause' their course as other commitments or health issues take priority. Parents regularly feedback that the ability to pause the course without fear of ‘falling behind’, is hugely beneficial and aids with motivation in their learners.
There is no minimum or maximum age for the learners, though typically they range from KS2 to KS4 ages. All provisions allow for part-time attendance only although it is possible to utilise the courses for a full time education.
It is not an obligatory requirement for parents and carers to advise TT of additional needs, though it is an option to do so on the booking system.

From those who have volunteered the information, it can be seen that approximately 30% of TT learners are highlighted as having a SEN. The highlighted SEN varies but amongst them TT currently provides course materials to learners who have ASD, ADHD, dyslexia, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, mutism, developmental delays, demand avoidance, downs syndrome, moto neurone disease, Tourette’s and severe anxiety.
The courses are ideal for young learners with SEND, those with high levels of anxiety which prevent them from accessing schools, home educated students, excluded young people and those who struggle with traditional academic subjects and who wish to pursue a more vocational career. The absence of deadlines, mean the learner does not feel pressured and can work at their own pace.

The online provision of Ofqual-approved Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications, coupled with online support and tutorial from specialist educators, allows TT to be fully inclusive to all learners regardless of their schooling, location or ability.
Each learner is assigned a qualified assessor, who has been enhanced DBS checked, that provides written feedback and guidance upon the submission of each workbook, allowing the learner to revisit and finetune their work. The current provision allows for a total capacity of 2,000 learners. This can indeed increase by expanding our assessor team.
Absolutely - there is no requirement to be a home educating learner to make use of our provision and learners who might already be completing their qualifications in a school or college setting are quite welcome to join us.

Lessons are pre-recorded and the course is provided in full, meaning that you can access it at any point convenient to you.

For as little as £5 a week, not only could you be offering an extra curricular activity that could occupy your learner for 3-6 hours each week, but also one that gains them a nationally recognised qualification!

We know that there are often restrictions on the number of creative options that can be chosen in a school setting, which can be frustrating for creative learners.
With Technology Triumphs there is no restriction on the number of qualifications your learner completes with us. We have learners who complete as many as 5 Level 2 qualifications with us at the same time!

How many your learner completes is dependent on the amount of time they want to dedicate to their extra curricular learning (and even this allows flexibility due to no deadlines being imposed) and your budget.

All of our courses run on a no obligation payment plan so that if it any point you wish to cancel your course, payments are cancelled (with 3 working days notice) with no admin fee to pay. We even keep a record of payments made so that if at any point you want to return to the course, you simply pick up from where you left off!

Most workplaces and colleges will recognise our Level 2 qualifications alongside GCSE's. What a great way to improve your young persons job or onward educational journey prospects.

It can be increasingly difficult for a young person to set themselves apart from their peers when applying for work or college placements. Being able to say that they have completed an additional qualification, independently from their required school studies should have a positive impact on their opportunities.

As work is portfolio assessed with no end point exam you also need not worry about the outcome on 'results day'.
With no minimum starting ages on our Level 1 or 2 courses, it's also a great way to 'bag' some formal qualifications ahead of exam season even coming around 

Our qualifications are focussed on assessing skills and knowledge and we do not assess spelling, punctuation or grammar. Whilst the courses do require written responses, it is still the knowledge and grammar that is being assessed, so as long as our assessors can understand what it is your learner is trying to communicate, they will be able to hit the assessment objectives.

If your learner is a reluctant writer you may find that the course format appeals to them as the workbooks are designed to be typed onto rather than hand written. It is also acceptable for adult facilitators/parents, to scribe for their learners - providing that they do so in the learners own words.
Yes - absolutely!

Whilst our courses have been written for young people, and we suggest guidance ages, there are no minimum or maximum ages imposed.*

(due to Health and Safety our Level 3 qualifications have a minimum age of 15 at enrolment).

The company ethos is to make creative qualifications accessible to all and so we are inclusive of ALL learners, no matter their age.

Whilst our courses are not GCSE's, we do offer Level 2 qualifications that are comparable to GCSE's.
Our Level 2 qualifications are nationally recognised and carry either 15 or 16 credits (with a standard pass at GCSE carrying between 12 and 15 credits).
Because of this, in our experience, most colleges and workplaces will recognise our Level 2 qualifications alongside GCSE's.

Before booking, if you are seeking to utilise one (or more) of our qualifications in place of a GCSE for workplace or onward education purposes, we always recommend contacting the relevant admissions or HR department to confirm that they will recognise the qualification. Please do feel to reach out to us if you would like the full name of the qualification and code as well as the course specification pack.

Our prices remain the same for all learners. You will have access to the same level of support as our other learners and receive the same course content and correspondence.
The only difference is that we reserve entry to our end of term awards to children of school age only.
In short - No!
All of our courses are designed so that you need never attend in person.
The only online event we schedule is an Induction Zoom to discuss the technology we use, but even this is provided in a recorded format if you are unable to attend the live event.

The courses have been purposefully designed to be as flexible as possible so that you can fit it into your busy schedule - we impose no deadlines and even after your payment plan is complete you can continue to submit your work for assessment until your course is complete.
From September 2024 the format for accessing your course and submitted work has been replaced with a much more streamlined and user friendly system.
All current learners have been given direct access to this, but if you are a returning learner please email us directly at in order that we can restore access to your course.
  • 15 Sheldon Close, Aylesham, Canterbury, UK