Complaints Procedure

At Technology Triumphs we strive to give our learners the best possible service that they expect, we recognise that sometimes things may go wrong. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the service that we provide, please let us know so we can deal with your query and improve the service we provide.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when you inform us you are not happy about the service we provide. It can be about anything and could include:

When we do not deliver a service on time

When we give you, the learner, wrong information

When you receive a poor quality service

When you have a problem with a member of staff

We ensure that:

Making a complaint is as easy as possible 

We treat your complaint seriously and with the utmost professionalism 

We deal with your complaint promptly and in confidence 

We learn from complaints and use them to review and improve our service 

However a complaint is received, it will be dealt with efficiently, with the aim of resolving the issue as quickly as possible, to the satisfaction of the customer.

Trainers or learners should make complaint to Technology Triumphs who will do their upmost to resolve the concern before making a complaint to the awarding organisation.

How to make a complaint 

If you wish to make a complaint you can contact Technology Triumphs in any of the following ways listed below; 



Technology Triumphs

15 Sheldon Close



Complaints procedure

If we receive a complaint, we will try to resolve it immediately if we can and notify you of the outcome. We will send:

An acknowledgement within two working days

Details of who will be dealing with the complaint

Final response within 10 working days

If we are unable to resolve the complaint immediately, we will:

Ask for any further information required

Within 10 working days:

Send a response

Update you and state when we hope to complete our investigations

We record all complaints and review them to consider if we need to make any changes to improve our services or prevent a re-occurrence.

If you are not satisfied with the response from the Managing Director you can escalate your complaint to the relevant Awarding Body.

Details of our Awarding Bodies are:


0191 239 8000



Quorom Business Park

Benton Lane

Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE12 8BT

If you are not satisfied with the response from the Awarding Body you can escalate your complaint further to the qualification regulator Ofqual.